Im th€ b@dd€$t Chick IN tHi$ whole town IT takes @ Real M@N to put it doWn ki$$inG is @ Sport fuQ'n is @ G@me GU$ g€t All the pleasure Girls get all the Pain R€@Ł✔ NO P!mp$✔ NO G@MES OR DR@M@✔ $🌹🌹ss $🌹🌹🌹hh$🌹🌹hr✔ Safe & UN-RUSHED✔ •••• LeTs L@Y ..SKiN To SKiN WHeN iT G€T$ STiFF)..COM€ SEE me Lollipop special $🌹🌹🌹 Off Service✔ Backyard landscaping 🌹🌹🌹My BunnZ To finish the rest, JaDa ♀BlAck Barbie